El fundador de la Feria Internacional Arte Capital, Christian Borbolla, entrevistó al artista plástico Gustavo Monroy el 6 de agosto de 2023 en el stand de Bipxel Films en el World Trade Center de la Ciudad de México. En la entrevista, Gustavo Monroy compartió sus...
Gustavo Monroy, art as a logbook of vi💀lence
In the documentary Gustavo Monroy and Art as a Logbook of Violence, the artist recounts his creative processes and the parallel between his works and harsh moments in the history of Mexico and the world.
This story begins in Sonora during his childhood, how his environment and upbringing led him to form a critical conscience with great social concern.
At the age of 18, he arrived in Mexico City to study painting and began to make drawings in which he explored self-portraits. His appearance, with his black beard, long hair, and aquiline features, seemed to be a living representation of the image of Christ. These self-portraits were cataloged as sacrilege in his first exhibition.
In this documentary, Gustavo Monroy traces the different stages of his work, immersing the viewer chronologically in history. Through his paintings, he opens a portal to violent events that have caused significant social pain.
Among the events, he records are the Acteal Massacre and the attack on the Twin Towers. Most of his themes reflect the social problems that exist in Mexico today, which are universal problems that, to a greater or lesser extent, are present throughout the world in the figures of migration, disappearances, massacres, and violence in general.
In the self-portrait, the artist tells the story of the violence the Mexican population is experiencing. Monroy shows how violence has been normalized and assimilated into this culture, becoming a consumer product.
The audiovisual proposal of Gustavo Monroy and Art as a Logbook of Violence proposes how art can lead to reflection on complex problems such as violence, moving away from the vanity with which many artists live today, themes that Monroy calls «silly art».
Produced by
Written & directed by
Produced by
Edited by
Camera and sound assistant
Viktor Cassiel Eslava Osorio
Poster Design
Project Title (Original Language)
Gustavo Monroy, el arte como bitácora de la violencia
Project Type
Documentary, Short
28 minutes
Completion Date
June 15, 2022
Country of Origin
Country of Filming
Shooting Format
Aspect Ratio
Film Color
First-time Filmmaker
2′ FIAC Ganador Documental Cortometraje!
Festival Internacional de las Artes Cinematográficas de San Cristóbal de las Casas
2ª Edición
August 17, 2023
San Cristobal de las Casas, Chiapas.
Selección Oficial 2023 – CIADFF
Chiayi International Art DOC Film Festival (CIADFF) – 11 al 26 de marzo de 2023
10ª Edición
Ciudad de Chiayi, Taiwan.
Selección Oficial 2023 – Elipsis Encuentro Internacional de Artes y Ciencias Cinematográficas
Academia de las Artes y las Ciencias Cinematográficas de Hidalgo
2ª Edición
Ciduad de Hidalgo, México.
Edición semipresencial del 28 de Julio al 19 de Agosto.
Proyección en streaming «Filmin Latino»
Selección Oficial 2023 – Cine En Mi Barrio
Popayán, Cauca, Colombia
Selección Oficial 2023 – 6to Festival de corto de Envigado
26 de agosto de 2023
Auditorio del Centro Cultural Clavijero en la ciudad de Morelia. 19 de noviembre de 2022.
Cineteca Rosalío Solano. 18 de marzo de 2023.
We appreciate your interest in the documentary, for now it is not available to the public (It is not on video platforms or on social networks) the link is to apply for the audiovisual work at festivals and a password is required.
Exposición “Éxodo” y presentación del documental «El arte como bitácora de la violencia»
El artista visual mexicano Gustavo Monroy destaco el arte mexicano el pasado 19 de noviembre con la inauguración de su tan esperada exposición "Éxodo" y la presentación del documental El arte como bitácora de la violencia. La exhibición, integrada por piezas...
Gustavo Monroy apertura de la exposición “Éxodo”
El 19 de noviembre de 2022 el Centro Cultural Clavijero, de Morelia, abrirá sus puertas para que el público pueda apreciar la exposición titulada “Éxodo” del artista visual de origen mexicano, Gustavo Monroy. La exposición, compuesta por piezas de formato grande y...